Deleted Stuff
Date: 23 May 2023
This is a link to my old TSE website, which stopped being maintained as of 23 May 2023.
Its information is outdated!
Links from old emails and from other websites to my old website will no longer work.
Delete reason: This extension mitigated a bug that was fixed in TSE 4.50rc25.
This extension mitigates the flaw, that TSE starts up with a weirdly narrow screen size if your configured screen width is more than 255 columns.
More specifically, if your configured TSE screen width is more than 255 columns, then this extension sets TSE's screen width to 255 columns during TSE's start-up, and to the full configured screen width when TSE's edit-window becomes available.
Delete reason: It turned out that this tool solved an old TSE bug. That TSE bug was fixed in TSE v4.50rc19, making the tool obsolete.
This tool works like TSE's Find command, but with no scrolling if the found occurrence was already on the screen.
A "repeat" on its macro command line finds the next occurrence of the previous search, except when the "v" search option was used.
Delete reason: The DirSize tool's functionality was integrated into the DirList tool.
This tool creates a list of directories sorted on decreasing size.
Its input is a string of one or more drives or directories.
Its output is a list of the input directories and their subdirectories, prefixed by their size, date, and time, and sorted on decreasing size and number of files.
Added column for directory's number of files.
Better abort message for non-existing input directory.
Fixed that DirSize was slow for Linux.
Documented a known error, caused by DirSize's inability to determine
which drives are network drives.
Fixed that the created list's name could contain a space.
Added the option to write its progress to a debug log file.
Delete reason: The bug was introduced in TSE v4.50 rc 15 and solved in TSE v4.50 rc 16.
This tool helps to reproduce a memory error abort in TSE's internal Sort().
Back story: I occasionally got this memory abort in my personal TSE installation since starting to seriously test TSE's sorts. That must be since at least a month, so the sort changes in TSE 4.50 rc 15 are not suspect. The first version of this tool was able to reproduce the abort frequently in my personal TSE installation but not in a new TSE installation. I have tons of macros autoloaded, so they were suspect. Purging all my loaded macros after starting TSE did not solve the abort, leading to my conclusion that they already did lasting damage somehow. So I one by one deleted macros from the autoload list, restarted TSE, and retested. Because the bug must have something to do with memory I became suspicious of global variables, and started deleting macros that used them next. As soon as I deleted the last macro that uses them from my autoload list this tool no longer reproduced the bug in my TSE installation. Surprisingly that last macro only uses a GetGlobalStr(), not a SetGlobalSTR, and that turned out to be relevant. I added a GetGlobalStr() to this tool, and now it occasionally reproduces the abort in a new TSE installation too. Way less, unfortunately, but given the earlier listed "enhancers" often enough to prove that there is a bug in TSE itself. Equally unfortunately this means there still is an unknown seemingly random factor involved in aborting or not aborting.
Delete reason: This TSE extension addresses a bug that was solved in TSE v4.41.46.
This TSE extension demonstrates a fix for the _ON_ABANDON_EDITOR_ hook not being called when the GUI version of TSE is closed with the "X" close button in its upper right corner if the TSE option "Empty Command-Line Action" has one of these values: Menu (default), Restore State, Also Restore State.
A test macro is included too.
Delete reason: This extension became obsolete as of TSE 4.50 release candidate 4 (13 Jun 2023), which natively supports syntax highlighting in a marked block.
This TSE extension syntax-hilites characters in a marked block with the same syntax-hilited foreground colors they would get without a marked block.
This can look great or horrible depending on your TSE color settings, so you might have to change those for a pleasing result.
The idea for this TSE extension came from Zhao Zhong.
Linux TSE Beta v4.41.12 upwards
Delete reason: This tool has not enough added value over just recompiling all macros from a command line.
This tool recompiles all macros in TSE's "mac" folder.
With the exception of macros with an ampersand or parentheses in their name. SemWare has one such macro: "find&do".
v1.0.1 Solves a Linux bug.
v1.0.2 Solves a Linux bug in solving the Linux bug :-(.
Delete reason: This tool is too niche and works too poorly.
For a folder or for a space separated list of folders this tool creates a list of groups of those files, the names of which only differ by a version suffix in the name.
This tool was requested by one user. I created it in the hope that it might have general benefits, but my conclusion is that it does not.
In v2.0 the recognition of versions was rewritten. This was much improved, and is expected to function much better for its requested purpose and type of folders. That said, for general usage it functions slightly better but still poorly.
TSE Pro 4.4 Undocumented Features
Date: 6 Feb 2022
Delete reason: It describes lots of bugs that were fixed in TSE versions after 4.4, and it has been replaced by an up-to-date document.
This document describes undocumented features and errata for TSE Pro v4.4 (2005).
Frozen: This document is frozen, meaning it will no longer receive updates. Since December 2021 public versions of TSE have become available. They contain lots of bug fixes for earlier issues, so it does not make sense to describe solved bugs. Everybody can upgrade to a new public version, the latest of which I now consider to be TSE's new main version.
Delete reason: It was included in TSE 4.50 release candidate 1.
TSE is incapable of perfectly syntax hiliting HTML, because TSE's hiliting syntax is too limited for that.
That said, I came up with an HTML syntax hiliting solution that works well for me by rarely giving me hiliting errors.
For me it works much better than TSE's standard HTML syntax hiliting. Your milage may vary.
Delete reason: It encounters memory problems when sorting a large buffer. The cause lies in errors or limitations in TSE's macro language. The problem is therefore not solvable by a macro written in it. include-file
TSE itself is "only" capable of sorting lines by sorting them alphabetically on a marked block of text.
With the help of this include-file it is relatively easy to create or modify your own macro to sort lines on any criteria.
All you need to do, is to write a "quicksort_compare" function that accepts two line numbers, and returns -1, 0, or 1 whether you want the first line to be before, whereever or after the second line.
The include-file contains a "quicksort(line_from, line_to)" function that by calling your function sorts ALL requested lines.
An example macro QuickSortTest.s is included.
Warning Later usage revealed, that TSE runs into irregularly occurring memory problems when quick-sorting large files.
Delete reason: Given the newer and better PickList extension, there is no reason or need for the PickListFind extension any more.
This extension enhances incrementally searching in a TSE picklist by also searching in the middle of filenames.
A TSE picklist is used by the File Open menu, TSE's file manager, and more.
This functionality was requested by two users.
Installation note: I strongly recommend to instead install the newer extension PickList, which shrinks a picklist to only those files that match the typed search string.
The new PickList and the old PickListFind must not be installed together.
v1.0.2 Fixed that PickListFind did nothing in someone else's TSE installation.