
The Semware Editor

My TSE documentation

TSE Generated Manual

This manual was generated from the latest editor's built-in interactive Help system (*) by using the Hlp2txt tool.

(*) Note that this is still mostly the Help for TSE 4.4 (2005), as later TSE fixes and features are mostly documented in the installed TSE's read.me file.

The manual was generated as a list of topics based on TSE's built-in Help's Index. The content of the manual is very complete, probably containing all topics that formerly occurred in TSE's "The User's Guide" and "The Macro Reference Guide", but ordered alphabetically instead of in the manuals' order.

A nice benefit of the online version of this generated manual is, that selecting a topic provides its URL in the browser's address bar. You can copy and use that URL to provide a link to the topic from an email or other document.

Contents of TSE's compile.hlp file

This short manual is an addendum to the "Generated Manual".

The "Generated Manual" is solely based on TSE's tsehelp.hlp file. TSE also comes with a compile.hlp file. The compile.hlp file describes 40 advanced compilation topics.

In TSE you can access these Help topics by pressing the F1 key on the submenu options of TSE's Macro -> "Compile Menu" menu.

Code Pages

Date: 4 Mar 2025

Explanations about Microsoft code pages, focusing on their relevance to TSE.

These webpages are created and maintained with The SemWare Editor Professional