
The Semware Editor

TSE Downloads

Windows TSE Download

General pre-download info

Windows TSE installs both the GUI and Console version of the editor.

Its license gives broad permissions for use and distribution, and makes extreme disclaimers of warranty and liability.

You can simply install the latest TSE version over any previous TSE version since TSE 2.8. In other words, you do not need to install intermediate versions to upgrade TSE.

Often Semware does not supply the installation zip file on their website with the helper files "setup_as_administrator.cmd", "setup_as_user.cmd", and "readme.txt": In such cases I do add them to the installation zip file on my website to provide a better user experience.

TSE's built-in Help system is almost completely that of TSE Pro 4.4 (2005). There have been lots of fixes and new features since then, which are listed in the installed read.me file instead.

Windows TSE 4.50.4  -  17 Feb 2025


Release notes:

  • Regex find syntax error sets internal errorlevel, which can be queried via DosIOResult().
  • If you did a large block operation during NON_EDIT events, you would not always get progress feedback. This has been fixed.
  • User variable SearchCurrentDirectory now defaults to on. In response to many private emails I [Semware] 've gotten regarding this behavior.
  • EditFile("nodir\nofile"), even if "nodir" does not exist, will open "nodir\nofile". Fixed, and added to sanity.
  • bool RepeatFindForw()
    bool RepeatFindBack()
    Repeats the last Find() command in the indicated direction.
  • Also, in List()/lList() windows, <f3> and <shift f3> invoke RepeatFindForw() and RepeatFindBack(), respectively.
  • Corrected a massive blunder in the rendering of windows elements in 4.50.3.


Installation and update tips
Before installation


The installation mostly works by simply overwriting TSE's own files, although for those files it will overwrite, it will first make a back-up in a new <bak999> folder in the TSE folder.

In practice a lot of users have changed one of Semware's user interface files (brief.ui, tse.ui, tsejr.ui, win.ui, ws.ui), which will be overwritten by the installation. Here are some ways to cope with this.

A solution I do not advise is to after the installation compare the new Semware .ui file with your old one in the <bak999> folder, copy your own changes to the new file, and recompile the new user interface file as a macro to reinstall it.
The dowsides of this solution are, that you would have to do this for every TSE upgrade, and will probably have to spend this extra time when it is inconvenient.

The solution I advise is to copy your Semware user interface file to a new .ui name, and install that UI instead by recompiling the new .ui file as a macro.
Benefits are, that this way your user interface never gets overwritten, and is automatically recompiled and reinstalled by future TSE installations if your old TSE installation is newer than v4.41.44.
You do not get Semware's rare fixes and improvements to their .ui files, but you can compare their relevant .ui file to yours whenever it is convenient to you.
For example, I could one time copy win.ui to win_carlo.ui, and compile win_carlo.ui. From then on win_carlo.ui will not be overwritten by TSE updates, and newer TSE versions will recompile it during their installation.
The new installation will immediately work with your own UI, and you can check for any Semware changes if and when it suits you.
Important tip: If you made your changes in as few places as possible and as additions instead of changes to Semware's code, then it is relatively easy to compare your own user interface to Semware's new one, and to copy those Semware changes you want to your own .ui file.

The installation

Unzip the zip file into a separate folder.

Read the readme.txt file, and select a run command.

The installation will ask you which folder to install to.

If you install to your existing TSE folder, then the installation tries to keep many of your settings!

If your old TSE is version v4.41.44 or higher, then the installation can see what your old user interface file was and reinstalls it automatically.
Otherwise you will be asked for the last time which Semware user interface to install. The default is the Windows one (win.ui).

The installation will keep all settings from TSE's "Full Configuration" menu except those from the sub-sub-menu "Configure SyntaxHilite Mapping Sets".

The installation will keep the Potpourri menu's descriptions for those macros, for which Semware does not distribute its own description.

Linux TSE Download

Linux TSE 4.50.1  -  12 Dec 2024


Release notes:

  • SearchPath() ignores case of files on Linux.
  • LoadMacro() and LoadKeyMacro() - without parameters - should also search the current directory.
  • The compile macro can now understand GNU Fortran error messages.
  • Updated listopen: Now shows browse-only files and allows one to set browse mode.
  • Fix two bugs in strfind():
  • 1: strfind() can cause an unloaded file to be loaded.
  • 2: strfind() with the "b" (backwards) option does not work in all cases.
  • strfind() "b" bug test added to sanity1
  • The list() title now should mostly show the [x].
  • PopPosition(), PopLocation(), StrFind() (which uses same) cause unloaded files to be loaded.


Installation tips

Linux TSE does not come with an installation program or installation instructions.

Here are my tips to get you started.

First time installers

In this example the release file "tse-linux-4.48.tgz" is installed in the user's home directory.

Note: The .tgz file contains a top "tse" directory that contains all other files and subdirectories of a probably already working TSE installation.

Copy the tse-linux-4.48.tgz file to the /home/<username> directory.

Extract the file's content:

cd /home/<username>
tar xvfz tse-linux-4.48.tgz

Make sure that:
Either you have "rwx" permissions on "tse" and all its subdirectories, that you have "rw" permissions on all its files, that you have "rwx" permissions on the files "e" and "sc32", and that that people who are not allowed to change your TSE have no permissions.
Or bluntly give yourself all permissions and others no permissions on the "tse" directory and everything within:

chmod -R u+rwx,go-rwx /home/<username>/tse

In an exceptional case Semware did forget to precompile some of their own distributed macros. If TSE ever gives you a "Macro compiled with wrong sc" error, then you need to execute the following commands:

cd /home/<username>/tse
./sc32 'mac/*.s'
./sc32 'mac/*.si'

You can now start TSE:


Next time installers

In this example description the bash shell is used to upgrade the user's existing TSE installation in directory "/home/<username>/tse" using the example release file "tse-linux-4.48.tgz".


cd /home/<username>
cp -R tse tse_<today's date>

Backup your TSE settings:
Start TSE, and go to the menu Options, Full Configuration, Write Settings to ASCII file, and enter a filename like "tse_settings_<today's date>.s".
Default it is saved to the user's home directory.

Extract the .tgz file in a temporary directory:

cd /home/<username>
mkdir tmp
cp tse-linux-4.48.tgz tmp
cd tmp
tar xvf tse-linux-4.48.tgz

Copy the new "tse" directory over your old "tse" directory:

cd /home/<username>
cp -R tmp/tse/* tse

Assume that TSE got an updated compiler version, and recompile all your own macros:

cd /home/<username>
tse/sc32 'tse/mac/*.s'

In an exceptional case Semware forgot to recompile some of their own distributed macros. If TSE ever gives you a "Macro compiled with wrong sc" error, then you should also recompile Semware's "inhouse" .si macros:

cd /home/<username>
tse/sc32 'tse/mac/*.si'

Start TSE and open the saved settings file:

cd /home/<username>
tse/e tse_settings_<today's date>.s

Compile and execute the file with the Macro, Compile menu,
save your reinstalled settings with the menu: Options, Save Current Settings,
and close TSE.

If you tweaked your old TSE by modifying Semware files, then you probably need to copy those files from the copy of your old TSE installation and recompile them in the new tse installation.

Any other tweaks you made might need additional steps. Let me know if I missed a step that applies to everyone.

Windows/Linux TSE compatibility

You cannot exchange or share .mac files between Windows TSE and Linux TSE.

It usually works when you copy .s and .ui files between Windows TSE and Linux TSE and recompile them on the target system.

While Linux TSE is largely a reimplementation of the Windows version, there are some unresolved and unresolvable incompatibilities. Most remarked upon has been, probably by Windows users, that Linux TSE has no mouse support and that lots of combined keys do not work.

Dos TSE Download


This is TSE 2.5e for Dos and 16-bit Windows versions (i.e. up to and including the Windows 98 variants), as originally sold by Semware in 1997, and since 2022 made available as freeware.

Installation tips

TSE 2.5e is a Dos program. Such programs run in ms-dos and in Windows versions up to and including Windows 98. Dos programs do not run directly in modern operation systems, because they require a 16-bit processor. The way to run a 16-bit Dos program in a newer Windows version is by running it indirectly through a virtual machine. Here I will describe a simplistic way and a robust way to do that, based on Windows 10 being my host operating system.

  • The simplistic way uses DosBox, which is a virtual machine and Dos in one program. Its advantages are, that it is very easy to install and use and that it is very easy to exchange files between Windows and Dos. Its disadvantage is, that its Dos shell is not helpful.
  • The robust way uses VirtualBox and FreeDOS.
    The advantages of VirtualBox are, that it safely separates your host computer from its virtual computers, and that you can save and restore "snapshots" of any state of a virtual computer. Its disadvantage is, that it is (with a Dos client a lot) more work to exchange files with it.
    The advantages of FreeDOS are, that it is user friendly, well documented, and support tools are available for it.

None of these programs costs money.

Install TSE 2.5e in DosBox 0.74-3 in Windows 10

1. Install TSE 2.5e

  • First create a Windows folder where you want to store your future DosBox programs, including TSE.
    Here we will use "D:\DosBox".
  • Because the ancient Dos must understand all this too, be aware, that all the folder and file names we use for this must be at most 8 ASCII characters long, with extensions of at most 3 ASCII characters, and none may contain spaces.
  • Unzip tse250e.zip to D:\DosBox.
  • This creates a subfolder "D:\DosBox\tse250e".

2. Install DosBox

  • Go to DosBox -> Downloads, and download the Windows version.
  • Run the downloaded "DOSBox0.74-3-win32-installer.exe", and answer its few simple questions.
  • Either select Windows Start menu -> DosBox -> DosBox Options, or run "C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74-3\DOSBox 0.74-3 Options.bat".
  • These will open an unsaved file "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\DOSBox\dosbox-0.74-3.conf" in Notepad.
  • Either make DosBox configuration changes here directtly, or do a File, Save from Notepad, and then use TSE to edit the file.
  • Go to the bottom of the .conf file, and add the following lines to the "[autoexec]" section:
    mount C D:\DosBox
  • The "mount" command will create a simulated "C:" drive in DosBox that will actually be the "D:\DosBox" folder.
  • Warning: Near the beginning of the file there is a line "fullscreen=false". If you set this to "fullscreen=true", or use <Alt Enter> during DosBox to toggle fullscreen mode, then in my experience DosBox and TSE 2.5e will look awesome, but the windows of all my other open applications were resized to really small sizes!
  • Save the the .conf file.
  • You can now start DosBox, either from the Windows Start menu or from its Desktop shortcut.
    In DosBox type "e" to start TSE 2.5e.
    Type "exit" to leave DosBox.
  • Note: DosBox starts a "DosBox Status Window" in the background that you can ignore.


Install TSE 2.5e in VirtualBox in FreeDOS in Windows 10

1. Install VirtualBox

  • VirtualBox has significant requirements to be able to install and run it. Read them.
  • Download VirtualBox , here select the version for "Windows hosts", which as I write this downloads "VirtualBox-7.0.4-154605-Win.exe".
  • Install VirtualBox with its default selections.
  • You can ignore the warning about Python bindings. If you do not know what those are, then you do not need them. Proceed: Yes.
  • Finish.

2. Download FreeDOS

  • Go to the FreeDOS home page.
  • Download the LiveCD version, as I write this "FD13-LiveCD.zip"
  • Above the download link there is a link named "Verify your downloaded files".
    It leads to a a page with various checksums for each downloadable file.
    For example, it lists a "sha512sum" for the "FD13-LiveCD.zip" file.
    After you download the file, it must have the same checksum, or the download went wrong.
    You can determine the "sha512sum" of the downloaded file from the commandline from the file's folder with:
    certutil -hashfile FD13-LiveCD.zip SHA512
    For other checksums see "certutil -hashfile -?".
    The certutil command comes with Windows 10. If you have 7-zip installed, then you can right-click on the file to get its SHA256 checksum.

3. Install FreeDOS in VirtualBox

  • Unzip the downloaded "FD13-LiveCD".
    Here we will create the folder "D:\FD13-LiveCD", and unzip "FD13-LiveCD.zip" to it.
  • Create a folder where VirtualBox may store its future virtual machines.
    Here we will create the folder "D:\VirtualBox".
  • Start VirtualBox.
  • Select the "New" button to start creating a new virtual machine.
  • At the bottom of the popped-up window, select "Expert Mode" instead of "Guided Mode".
  • Under "Name and Operating System" we here enter:
    Name: FReeDOS
    Folder: D:\VirtualBox
    ISO Image: D:\FD13-LiveCD\FD13LIVE.iso
    (You can browse to the .iso file by selecting the down-arrow-head on the right, followed by "Other".)
    Type: Other
    Version: DOS
  • Under "Hard Disk" change the "Hard Disk File Type and Variant" to "VHD (Virtual Hard Disk)".
    (We need this later to be able to access the virtual hard disk from Windows.)
    (Do not worry about the large hard disk size of the virtual machine. Because "Pre-allocate Full Size" is not selected, the virtual hard disk will only use as much of the physical hard disk as it actually needs for its files.)
  • Finish. The window closes.
  • On the left "FreeDos (Powered Off)" is selected.
  • Select "Start".
  • A FreeDos installation window pops up.
    This installation program is already running in the virtual machine.
    Use the right Ctrl key to leave this virtual machine window.
    Use standard Windows methods to return to it.
  • Select "Install to harddisk".
  • Select respectively:
    English (or whatever you prefer).
    Yes - Continue with the installation.
    Yes - Partition drive C:
    (This is the C: drive of the virtual machine, not the C: drive of your actual computer.)
    Yes - Please reboot now
  • Select "Install to harddisk" again.
  • Select respectively:
    Yes - Continue with the installation.
    Yes - Please erase and format drive C:
    (Still the C: drive of the virtual machine.)
    Yes - Please reboot now
  • Select respectively:
    US English (Default)
    Full installation including applications and games
    Yes - Please install FreeDOS 1.3
    Yes - Please reboot now
  • Select "Boot from system harddisk".
  • On the "C:\>" prompt type "shutdown".
    The virtual machine window closes.
  • Select the "Settings" button, then "Storage" on the left, then right-click in the middle pane on the .iso file, and select "Remove Attachment", "Remove", and the "OK" button.
  • Done!
    The next time FreeDOS is started, it will boot from its virtual harddisk without asking.

4. Install TSE 2.5e in FreeDOS in VirtualBox

  • VirtualBox shows us all kinds of connections we can theoretically make to our virtual machines, like through a network, a serial port, a USB drive, or shared folders, but a basic DOS installation does not understand any of these!
  • There is however this awesome trick to copy files between a host Windows 10 machine and a virtual machine, IF the virtual machine is implemented as a .vhd (virtual hard disk) file. (Like we did earlier!)
  • The following steps make a .vhd file acessible in Windows' File Explorer as a drive:
    Accessing a virtual machine's harddisk from the host computer is incompatible with the virtual machine running at the same time!
    Right-click Start or press <Windows X>.
    Select "Disk Management" (<k>).
    In the "Disk Management" window, select "Action", "Attach VHD". Select "Browse", and browse to and select the "D:\VirtualBox\FreeDOS\FreeDOS.vhd" file.
    For example using Windows File Explorer you can now copy files between Windows and the virtual harddisk of the virtual machine.
    WARNING again: DOS is not case-sensitive, but it only understands file names of at most 8 ASCII characters, extensions of at most 3 ASCII characters, and no spaces in either of them.
  • Unzip "tse250e.zip" file somewhere in the host computer, and for example using Windows File Explorer copy the resulting "tse250e" directory to the virtual computer's drive.
  • When you are done, then in Windows File Explorer right-click the virtual drive, and select "Eject".
  • Done!
    It is now safe to start the virtual machine.
  • When started and the "c:\>" prompt shows, the command "tse250e\e" will start TSE 2.5e.
  • FreeDOS has cool configuration options and possible extensions. It can be fun to delve into them. I got the FTP server working with a tiny bug that had an annoying but simple work-around.


Old TSE Downloads

Windows TSE 4.50.2  -  11 Jan 2025


Release notes:

  • bug: CopyToClipboard() did not set clipboard blocktype. This has been fixed.
  • bug: In Windows 10 or 11, when using Terminal:
    e32 dos("dir *") does not properly refresh the screen.
    g32 dos("dir *"), one cannot close the window.
    Both of these have been fixed.
  • Added missing CopyToClipboard, GetStrFromClipboard to sal.syn.
  • sc32: no error checking for memory allocation errors in a couple of places.
  • sc32 now compiles with the Microsoft C compiler (32-bit) and the GNU C compiler (32-bit). It has not been verified yet.
  • Many minor code changes, allowing e32 to compile with Microsoft C compiler (32-bit). Crashes on startup for now. Needs a new FFI.
  • ChDir(dir) now supports "~\".
  • Following added to the help: GetDirSeparator(), GetTempPath(), isDirSeparator(s), StripToken(s, delim, relax), StripFileToken(s).
  • _HOME_PATH_ usage added to SqueezePath().
  • Fixed: Title "History" disappearing from a history list when its content contains a line that is more than a few characters longer than the screen width. (Thanks to this fix, HistList will work again.)
  • There is a new file in the .zip, dock.txt, which is a raw-text version of the help before it gets put into its final form. It might be useful, it might not, feel free to ignore it.


Windows TSE 4.50.1  -  12 Dec 2024


Release notes:

  • LoadMacro() and LoadKeyMacro() - without parameters - should also search the current directory.
  • The compile macro can now understand GNU Fortran error messages.
  • Updated listopen: Now shows browse-only files and allows one to set browse mode.
  • Fix two bugs in strfind():
  • 1: strfind() can cause an unloaded file to be loaded.
  • 2: strfind() with the "b" (backwards) option does not work in all cases.
  • strfind() "b" bug test added to sanity1.
  • The List() and lList() titles now should mostly show the [x].
  • Fixed: PopPosition(), PopLocation(), StrFind() (which uses same) caused unloaded files to be loaded.


Linux TSE 4.50  -  26 Oct 2024


Release note:

  • Official release version.


Windows TSE 4.50  -  26 Oct 2024


Release note:

  • Official release version.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 29  -  23 Sep 2024


Release notes:

  • New macro: CmpBuffers - compares buffers or files, and uses a much better algorithm then CmpFiles for comparing files.
  • HiliteAll - Give a proper warning if writing to file tseload.dat fails.
  • Sanity1 updated.
  • New macro: KeepBlinking - Keeps the cursor from stopping to blink.
  • Help updated for EmptyBuffer(), ReplaceFile() and DetabOnLoad.
  • ExecMacro() behavior changed: If it does not find the file on an exact case search, it tries again ignoring case differences.
  • SearchPath() behavior changed: If it does not find the file on an exact case search, it tries again ignoring case differences.
  • When the key is alpha, and ctrl or alt is pressed, for the key to lowercase.
  • Lots of work on command line handling, so that if you do:
    e *.* then the editor can load thousands of files, e.g., all that bash or whatever terminal programs sends to the editor.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 29  -  23 Sep 2024


Release notes:

  • New macro: CmpBuffers - Compares buffers or files, and uses a much better algorithm then CmpFiles for comparing files.
  • HiliteAll - Give a proper warning if writing to file tseload.dat fails.
  • Sanity1 updated.
  • New macro: KeepBlinking - Keeps the cursor from stopping to blink.
  • Help updated for EmptyBuffer(), ReplaceFile() and DetabOnLoad.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 28  -  4 Jul 2024


Release notes:

  • Fix bug in KeyName() function, where it returned different values if:
    • the resulting character was outside the ASCII range
    • a non-OEM compatible font was being used.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 28  -  4 Jul 2024


Release notes:

  • Fix bug in KeyName() function, where it returned different values if:
    • the resulting character was outside the ASCII range
    • a non-OEM compatible font was being used.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 27  -  1 Jul 2024


Release notes:

  • Hooks _ON_UNASSIGNED_KEY_ and _ON_NONEDIT_UNASSIGNED_KEY_ were not working. I thought I fixed them, but I introduced a bug :(
    [ Which caused "cuamark", "SynCase", "KeepBlinking", and who knows what else to fail. ]
    Now hopefully these hooks are really fixed.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 27  -  1 Jul 2024


Release notes:

  • Hooks _ON_UNASSIGNED_KEY_ and _ON_NONEDIT_UNASSIGNED_KEY_ were not working. I thought I fixed them, but I introduced a bug :(
    [ Which caused "cuamark", "SynCase", "KeepBlinking", and who knows what else to fail. ]
    Now hopefully these hooks are really fixed.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 26  -  29 Jun 2024


Release notes:

  • Several files in the tar archive has a size of 0 bytes. This is caused by having duplicate entries in the list of files input to the tar command. This has been fixed.
  • The WheelUp and WheelDown previously just returned 0. Now scroll the editing window up or down.
  • video.s cols variable was limited to 3 digits. Fixed.
  • Updated colors macro
    • No longer goes one line down after selecting a color scheme.
    • In the Color Schemes list, default sets the current line to the current color scheme (if TSE's current colors match a color scheme).
    • If no matching color scheme exists, then creates and goes to an empty line at the top.
  • Changed .doc files extension to .txt.
  • If _USE_LAST_SESSION_* is set, sc32 will try to also create tsecfg.dat, as if the "-s" command line option was also specified.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 26  -  29 Jun 2024


Release notes:

  • video.s cols variable was limited to 3 digits. Fixed.
  • Updated colors macro
    • No longer goes one line down after selecting a color scheme.
    • In the Color Schemes list, default sets the current line to the current color scheme (if TSE's current colors match a color scheme).
    • If no matching color scheme exists, then creates and goes to an empty line at the top.
  • Changed .doc files extension to .txt.
  • If _USE_LAST_SESSION_* is set, sc32 will try to also create tsecfg.dat, as if the "-s" command line option was also specified.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 25  -  8 Jun 2024


Release notes:

  • Make sign-on versions numbers of sc32 the same as the editor.
  • StartupVideoMode now supports screen sizes up to 1300 columns by 400 rows.
    See the read.me for details.
  • sanity1 updated with additional tests.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 25  -  8 Jun 2024


Release notes:

  • Carlo:
    • Improved the pre-installation's readme.txt file based on user input.
  • Semware:
    • Make sign-on versions numbers of sc32 the same as the editor.
    • StartupVideoMode now supports screen sizes up to 1300 columns by 400 rows.
      See the read.me for details.
    • sanity1 updated with additional tests.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 24 -  27 May 2024


Release notes:

  • Linux TSE's "Beep on Failed Find" now makes a sound.
  • New commands:
    • CopyToClipboard(string s [, integer append])
      Copies "s" to the editor's clipboard
    • string GetStrFromClipboard()
      Returns the first line of text in the editors clipboard.
  • Too many files passed on the editor's command line can make the editor crash with a segmentation fault. The number of files that can be passed on the command line has been greatly extended.
  • Mouse initialization now returns TRUE.
    This inner technical change does not make Linux TSE recognize any physical mouse button, but it does for example almost always make the following work from macros:
      Set(MouseX, 20)
      Set(MouseY, 10)


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 24  -  27 May 2024  


Release notes:

  • The EditWithTSE tool was added to TSE's Potpourri menu.
    This tool adds or deletes TSE to or from Windows File Explorer's mouse menu. If added, you can right-click on a file and select to edit it with TSE.
  • New commands:
    • CopyToClipboard(string s [, integer append])
      Copies "s" to the editor's clipboard
    • string GetStrFromClipboard()
      Returns the first line of text in the editors clipboard.
  • The install program could not find setup.dll. This has been fixed.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 23  -  18 Apr 2024


Release notes:

Get in sync with the Windows TSE version.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 23  -  18 Apr 2024


Release notes:

The result of MarkChar() and MarkStream() behave differently if one uses the editor clipboard vs. the Windows clipboard. This has been fixed.

A known detail:
In TSE 4.50rc4 CopyToWinClip() was changed to also copy characters that were marked past the end of a line. This change has been reverted for the above reason.

Test_SearchPath was added to Sanity1.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 21  -  21 Mar 2024


Release notes:

Fixes a memory leak in GetStr() and GetStrXY().

Partially fix the WSL vs. Windows bug. More work on this later.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 19  -  9 Mar 2024


Release notes:

Updated missing keywords from SAL syntax highlighting.

_SYMLINK_ changed to _LINK_.

Work on how "files that TSE cannot open" are handled. Not perfect, but better than it was.

New Linux-only TSE statements FFisDir() and PBisDir().

Added to Potpourri: "Execute" tool. Very handy. Please see the Potpourri help regarding usage.

Bug fix: GetHistoryStr() after Find() invalidated a following MarkFoundText().

Added Soarer's Converter's syntax highlighting files. This should be associated with .sc and .sci files.

Updated Whtspc macro.

Cursor placement with CenterFinds off was broken!

"sanity1" macro added to distribution.

BigIntSum macro was updated.

Book macro was updated.

Updated visible cursor logic - cursor should now not show when menus are active.

Bug fix regarding problems compiling certain files on Linux, via the compile macro.

The CurrLinePtr() statement no longer requires a .si macro or compilation with the -i option.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 20  -  20 Mar 2024


Release notes:

A work-around has been put in place for the bug that occurred when Windows TSE browsed to and "deleted" a WSL file it had no delete-permission for.
Note from Carlo: Testing shows no such work-around. Semware confirmed.

New editor variable: SearchCurrentDirectory. Default: Off. SearchCurrentDirectory makes TSE's SearchPath() search or not search the current directory.

Fixed: Directory handling routines could misdiagnose the position of the extension in filenames like the following: "c:\users\bob\d\foo\bar\v 1.3 - 1.6 (flash)\v 1.5 (ex)\x\8-bit cpu 32k" This file does not have an extension, but the editor did not always get that right.

File Manager: When called with paths > ~150 characters, failed. Increased command line variable (cmdline) to 255 characters in the main routine.

Updated the whtspc macro.

Added a few new words to the Keywords string in the .ui files.


Not publicly available yet.

Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 19  -  9 Mar 2024


Release notes:

Updated missing keywords from SAL syntax highlighting.

_SYMLINK_ changed to _LINK_.

Work on how "files that TSE cannot open" are handled. Not perfect, but better than it was.

Added to Potpourri: "Execute" tool. Very handy. Please see the Potpourri help regarding usage.

Bug fix: GetHistoryStr() after Find() invalidated a following MarkFoundText().

Added Soarer's Converter's syntax highlighting files. This should be associated with .sc and .sci files.

Updated Whtspc macro.

Windows TSE v4.50rc18 started rounding file times down to the closest even second, instead of rounding them up to the closest even second. This made it compatible with Linux TSE: They now show the same time for the same file.

Cursor placement with CenterFinds off was broken!

"sanity1" macro added to distribution.

BigIntSum macro was updated.

Book macro was updated.

The CurrLinePtr() statement no longer requires a .si macro or compilation with the -i option.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 18  -  16 Feb 2024


Release notes:

New FF* and PB* commands:

_SYMLINK_ - New constant that can be applied to the returns of FFAttribute() and PBAttribute().

RenameDiskFile() did not handle ~\ - fixed.

"Capture OS Output", the capture macro: updated to go to the capture buffer window, if open. Otherwise, open a horizontal window to display the captured information in.

Compile macro: also look in loaddir\mac for supplemental files.

"File Manager" f macro - Update rename function to use _USE_HOME_PATH_ in displaying filenames.

e "-a -s c:\name.ext" can cause TSE to crash. Fixed.

Macro runtime error . Caused by an expression such as:
string-constant + str(numeric-constant) + string-variable
This has been fixed.

Windows TSE now rounds file times down to the closest even second. Its old behavior was rounding up to the closest even second. Its new behavior makes it compatible with Linux TSE: They now show the same time for the same file.

Now works on Win98 :)


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 18  -  16 Feb 2024


Release notes:

New FF* and PB* commands:

_SYMLINK_ - New constant that can be applied to the returns of FFAttribute() and PBAttribute().

RenameDiskFile() did not handle ~\ - fixed.

"Capture OS Output", the capture macro: updated to go to the capture buffer window, if open. Otherwise, open a horizontal window to display the captured information in.

Compile macro: also look in loaddir\mac for supplemental files.

"File Manager" f macro - Update rename function to use _USE_HOME_PATH_ in displaying filenames.

Macro runtime error . Caused by an expression such as:
string-constant + str(numeric-constant) + string-variable
This has been fixed.

Fixed FindFirstFile() segmentation fault.

"Full Configuration", iconfig: allow setting the keyboard macro path on Linux.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 17  -  1 Jan 2024


Release notes:

Fixed character set problem when file browsing. (The setfileapiToOEM() issue.) Reverted to the old TSE 4.50 rc 14 behavior. For real this time.

Updated idl.syn, added markdown.syn, powershell.syn, added constexpr to c.syn.

New sort macro with many improvements.
Read the sort.s file for details.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 17  -  1 Jan 2024


Release notes:

Linux TSE can now sort large blocks too, just like Windows TSE!

Fixed character set problem when file browsing.
(The setfileapiToOEM() issue.)
Reverted to the old TSE 4.50 rc 14 behavior.
For real this time.

Updated idl.syn, added markdown.syn, powershell.syn, added constexpr to c.syn.

New sort macro with many improvements.
Read the sort.s file for details.

In the Linux version, updated tsort.com, now compiled with the gnu C compiler.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 16  -  25 Dec 2023


Release notes:

Fixed internal sort crashing bug.

The setfileapiToOEM() issue. Reverted to the old behavior.

tsort.com - updates for Linux compatibility.

Updated syntax for CompareLines().


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 16  -  25 Dec 2023


Release notes:

Updated tsort.com, now compiled with Watcom compiler.

Fixed internal sort crashing bug.

The setfileapiToOEM() issue. Reverted to the old behavior.

Updated syntax for CompareLines().


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 15  -  14 Dec 2023


Release notes:

When writing files to stdout, tsort was adding an additional CR. This is because Windows opens stdout in text mode. To fix this, the following was added to tsort: setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY);

When writing the config file from Full Configuration, turn off entab_on_save.

Don't add chr(0) after view finds/view grep's filenames. This was added in RC 13, but has been reverted.

In CompareLines(), use _IGNORE_CASE_ and _FILTER_SPACES_. _DESCENDING_ now supported.

The maximum key len for both the internal and external sort is now set at 16,000 characters.

Update the external sort to be stable when sorting in reverse order.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 15  -  14 Dec 2023


Release notes:

New tsort.com added for the linux version.

In sync with the Windows version.

Updated keyboard handling: See the release message or the installed read.me.linux file for details.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 14   -   23 Nov 2023


Release notes:

  • tsort did not sort correctly if no sort key length was specified.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 14   -   23 Nov 2023


Release notes:

  • Both editors [Windows and Linux] now have the same maximum internal sort key length of 283.
  • The -ansicolor command line flag now really works.
  • If using the -ansicolor command line flag, sometimes other command line args were trashed. Fixed.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 13   -   3 Nov 2023


Release notes:

  • All known crashing issues with the Where macro and the -s option of EditFile() have been fixed
  • The interactive compiler no longer crashes on a menu title that is not a constant string: Now we get an appropriate compiler error.
  • grep.s updated - chr(0) added after filenames, to be in sync with the internal ViewFinds command
  • Enable filename completion in where.s prompt.
  • Updated ldflist macro: Bug fix, and not loaded files now reported.
  • Allow zero line list windows to have header/footers.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 13   -   3 Nov 2023


Release notes:

  • Support for 256 ANSI color mode
  • -color command line option changed to -ansicolor
  • AnsiColor variable replaced with CurrAnsiColor and StartupAnsiColor
  • CurrAnsiColor sets which Ansi video driver is currently being used.
  • Valid values for the above are 1 (rgb), 8, 16, 256.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 12   -   30 Sep 2023


Release notes:

  • Fixed the cursor line in block syntax hilighting bug.
  • grep.exe now supports:
    • \h - shortcut for: [0-9A-Fa-f] a hexadecimal number
    • \H - shortcut for: [~0-9A-Fa-f] anything except a hexadecimal number
    • \p - shortcut for: [\x20-\x7E] a printable character
    • \P - shortcut for: [~\x20-\x7E] anything expect a printable character
    • \d - shortcut for: [0-9] a digit
    • \D - shortcut for: [^0-9] anything except a digit
    • \s - shortcut for: [ \f\r\n\t] whitespace
    • \S - shortcut for: [^ \f\r\n\t] anything except whitespace
    • \w - shortcut for: [a-zA-z0-9_] an identifier
    • \W - shortcut for: [^a-zA-z0-9_] anything except an identifier


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 12   -   30 Sep 2023


Release notes:

  • AnsiColor setting added to Full Configuration and to tse.cfg.
    This setting controls how the editor determines which set of ansi escape sequences to show colors.
    Values are:
    • 0 - let the editor decide which sequences to use.
    • 1 - use ansi RGB color sequences
    • 8 - use 8 color mode
    • 16 - use 16 color mode


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 11  -  2 Sep 2023


This Linux release candidate has been brought up-to-date with the changes of all the Windows release candidates.

Release notes:

  • New command line options:
    • -color
      -color 8
      Force using 8 background colors mode (16 foreground colors).
      This mode works with all Linux terminals and command lines.
    • -color 16
      Force using 16 background colors mode (16 foreground colors).
    • -color rgb
      Force using 24-bit (16,777,216) background (and foreground) colors mode.
  • Current logic the editor uses to determines which mode to use:
    • If TERM environment variable = "xterm256", then use 24-bit color mode.
    • else if TERM environment variable includes the word "xterm", then use 16 color mode,
    • else use 8 color mode.
    The new command line options override this.
  • GetColorTableValue() and SetColorTableValue() now work, as long as the editor is in 24-bit color mode. This means that the setpalette macro now works in Linux-land if 24-bit color mode is in use.
  • If the editor issues a warning before the output system has been initialized, it can cause it to crash. Fixed. [ Note from Carlo: I think that was an old, already fixed bug. I reported a remaining imperfection with Warn(): I will test whether that is now fixed. ]


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 11  -  2 Sep 2023


Release notes:

  • If the editor issues a warning before the output system has been initialized, it can cause it to crash. Fixed. [ Note from Carlo: I think that was an old, already fixed bug. I reported a remaining imperfection with Warn(): I will test whether that is now fixed. ]
  • If you mark a COLUMN block that only contains columns past the end of a line, and copy it to the Windows clipboard, then TSE's clipboard menu does not gray out pasting from the Windows clipboard, but if you select it, then you get a message that the Windows clipboard is empty. Fixed.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 10  -  25 Aug 2023


This Linux release candidate has been brought up-to-date with the changes of all the Windows release candidates.

For release notes see those of all the Windows release candidates.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 10  -  25 Aug 2023


Release notes:

  • Fix bug in setting SpecialEffects. Essentially, the range checking did not take the new _TOP_RT_POPUPS_ into consideration.
  • New command: integer EditPopWin(title, x1, y1, width, height, boxtype box) Will change x1, y1, based on SpecialEffects settings. Then calls PopWinOpen. Probably needs a better name - suggestions welcome.
  • Minor update to grep macro - use a EditPopWin() to open the initial window. This command respects configured window positioning, unlike PopWinOpen.
  • Added some new color setups to setpalette: Campbell Starman LinuxShell MiniBasic Carlo1 softcga2
  • Fixed bug in sc32: #define FOO = 123 Causes sc32 to crash.
  • If no default size is specified, we let Windows pick. But sometimes Windows picks weird sizes. So if no default specified, and Windows picks a strange size (e.g., really small, or really large), use 44 rows by 100 columns.
  • Minor update to file manager macro (f.s) - If a file is loaded from an archive, append original name to the temp name.
  • By default, turned off the new highlighting in block option.
  • Update GotoMark(mark) so that it always returns true, unless mark is not defined.


Linux TSE 4.50 release candidate 7  -  29 Jul 2023


This Linux release candidate has been brought up-to-date with the changes of all the Windows release candidates.

For release notes see those of all the Windows release candidates.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 7  -  29 Jul 2023


Release notes:

  • Sort(_DECIMAL_) did not sort 0 or -0 correctly. Fixed.
  • New SpecialEffects setting: _TOP_RT_POPUPS_.
  • New regular expression meta characters:
    \h - shortcut for: [0-9A-Fa-f]
    \H - shortcut for: [~0-9A-Fa-f]
    \p - shortcut for: [\x20-\x7E]
    \P - shortcut for: [~\x20-\x7E]
  • Operator "mod": added check for division by 0.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 6  -  18 Jul 2023


Release notes:

  • CursorInBlockAttr changed from Color(Intense Bright White on Green) to Color(Intense Black on Green).
  • New additions to color schemes.
  • Prompt display code changed to use CursorInBlock attribute, instead of: (Query(MsgAttr) & 0x0F) + (Query(CursorInBlockAttr) & 0xF0)
  • Updated setpalette macro.
  • Updated colors.ini.
  • Updated grep macro to use SqueezePath(_USE_HOME_PATH_)
  • Bug in displaying line numbers fixed.
  • New function: NumHistoryNames() - returns the number of free history lists.
  • Warn() was returning 1 (instead of 0) in Console and Linux versions. Fixed.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 5  -  19 Jun 2023


Release notes:

  • If cumark is used for a new search with the "v" option and a found line is selected from the ViewFinds panel, then the text cursor now also goes to the column of the found string.
  • HiLiteAttr changed to Color(Bright White on Cyan).


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 4  -  12 Jun 2023


Release notes:

  • Updated Compile -> Compile Menu to include the '>'.
  • Copy Unwrapped was being grayed when it should not be.
  • Updated LunarLander, adding a "press <Esc>" note to exit.
  • Remove "..." after "&About" in the help menu.
  • Added syntax highlighting within blocks.
    In addition:
    - added new boolean configuration variable: SynHiInBlock
    - added entry in the .cfg file that iconfig generates
    - added a menu entry in iconfig, under Display/Color options.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 3  -  3 Jun 2023


Release notes:

  • Fixed problem in View Finds, where the "occurrences" string was no longer right justified.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 2  -  29 May 2023


Release notes:

  • listopen.s: removed the buffervideo()/unbuffervideo() statements, so that it works with the PickList macro.
  • \w and \W now use the user's Wordset.
  • Added Rust syntax highlighting.


Windows TSE 4.50 release candidate 1  -  24 May 2023


Release notes:

  • New regular expression meta-commands:
    \d - shortcut for: [0-9]
    \D - shortcut for: [~0-9]
    \s - shortcut for: [ \f\r\n\t]
    \S - shortcut for: [~ \f\r\n\t]
    \w - shortcut for: [a-zA-z0-9_]
    \W - shortcut for: [~a-zA-z0-9_]
    These sequences are not recognized inside a class, e.g.: []. If there is a need for this, let me know and I'll see about adding that.
    There is a conflict between \d and \dnnn.
    The original usage of \d is used when \dnnn is found, otherwise, \d, \dn, \dnn will invoke the new usage.
  • Incremental search also in mac\syncfg.s > Configure Associations.
  • Updated expr.s, including:
    -Reworked the code
    -Added >>, shr, <<, shl, mod, div, not, pow
    -Added copy to Winclip
    -Added Hex input using prefix $ ($ff) Motorola style
    -Changed error-handling, don't terminate and close the macro on error, show message
    -Updated help
    -Added keywords comp, xor, and, or
    -Insert Formatted Decimal result
    -Updated help
  • Updated html.syn file.
  • Updated where.s and f.s to use SqueezePath(fn, _USE_HOME_PATH_)
  • Only show "Load All Files" choice when the list of files is created via grep.
  • Size taken for syntax highlighting was not taken into account in the display of used memory. Fixed.


Windows TSE 4.49f  -  24 Feb 2023


Release notes:

  • EditFile(" ") - loaded a file with garbage in the name. It should produce a picklist. Fixed.
  • Templates were being expanded even when not found for the current file extension. Fixed. Added template expansion on/off to the menu.
  • File Manager macro: allow to view buffers. ListFile() did not always allow viewing unloaded files.


Linux TSE 4.49f  -  24 Feb 2023


Release notes:

  • EditFile(" ") - loaded a file with garbage in the name. It should produce a picklist. Fixed.
  • Templates were being expanded even when not found for the current file extension. Fixed. Added template expansion on/off to the menu.
  • File Manager macro: allow to view buffers. ListFile() did not always allow viewing unloaded files.
  • The Linux version did not correctly load files as expected, if a wildcard was used, and it matched both files and directories.


Windows TSE 4.49e  -  4 Feb 2023


Release notes:

  • Templates updated to handle longer file extensions.
  • "where" tool updated to try and fix broken drive processing.
  • FileManager updated to not load files already loaded; to be able to view <unnamed> files.
  • Experimental: added xbutton1, xbutton2 mouse keys.
  • New assignments to <shift wheelup> and <shift wheeldown> now work in e32. Keys show in showkey.
  • A Help index provided by an external help system is now correctly browsable.
  • find&do updates to move to column.
  • Fix find&do copy append bug.

Linux TSE 4.49  -  3 Jan 2023


Bug: Installing this release "as administrator" fails with the warning "Error 740 on ...\setup.dat".
Installing it "as user" works, but will skip a few installation options that are usually only relevant for first-time installers.
The bug will be fixed in the next release.

Release notes:

  • More work on getting fonts working correctly
  • Removed warnings from the .ui files
  • Added additional mouse chords to the .ui files
  • Updated the syncfg macro
  • Updates to listopen
  • Fixed numeric underscore not highlighting after decimal places
  • Added GetSynQuote(), GetSynMultiLnDlmt()
  • Updated the help engine
  • See the read.me file for details

Windows TSE 4.49  -  3 Jan 2023


Release notes:

  • More work on getting fonts working correctly
  • Removed warnings from the .ui files
  • Added additional mouse chords to the .ui files
  • Updated the syncfg macro
  • Updates to listopen
  • Fixed numeric underscore not highlighting after decimal places
  • Added GetSynQuote(), GetSynMultiLnDlmt()
  • Updated the help engine
  • See the read.me file for details

Linux TSE 4.48  -  29 Nov 2022


Release notes:

  • All ui files have been updated.
  • In all ui's, the editor now merges the recent files list with the disk version, if the file on disk has changed relative to the one in memory. It isn't perfect, but it is (I think) better than losing recent filenames when you run multiple instances of the editor.
  • grep: Fixed a bug in grep-list processing that could crash the editor.
  • listopen: updated sort, now uses <alt w> to write (save), <alt s> to sort.
  • sort: fixed a bug where the ignore case option was ignored with kill dupes. Thanks to Knud Van Eeden for the report.
  • compile: doesn't work on a read-only drive.
  • Several (or a dozen) keywords added to SAL syntax highlighting.
  • GetShortPath(): Should not remove quotes from files with spaces in the name
  • f (filemanager): Did not support viewing zip files on UNC paths
  • Added "Program" to signon screen.
  • UpdateBufferDaTmAttr([string filename]) changed to support an optional filename. If passed, the current buffer's info is updated from that filename. Useful when you have a system buffer backing a diskfile, but the name of the buffer is not the same as the diskfile.
  • _STATE_BUSY_: new built-in constant, returned by QueryEditState().
  • Fixed a bug in the Linux version, where ExecMacro() on a non-existing macro returns TRUE.
  • The Linux version did not correctly handle filenames with multiple embedded dots, as in: "foo...bar".

Windows TSE 4.48  -  24 Nov 2022


Release notes:

  • All ui files have been updated.
  • In all ui's, the editor now merges the recent files list with the disk version, if the file on disk has changed relative to the one in memory. It isn't perfect, but it is (I think) better than losing recent filenames when you run multiple instances of the editor.
  • grep: Fixed a bug in grep-list processing that could crash the editor.
  • listopen: updated sort, now uses <alt w> to write (save), <alt s> to sort.
  • sort: fixed a bug where the ignore case option was ignored with kill dupes. Thanks to Knud Van Eeden for the report.
  • compile: doesn't work on a read-only drive.
  • Several (or a dozen) keywords added to SAL syntax highlighting.
  • GetShortPath(): Should not remove quotes from files with spaces in the name
  • f (filemanager): Did not support viewing zip files on UNC paths
  • Added "Program" to signon screen.
  • UpdateBufferDaTmAttr([string filename]) changed to support an optional filename. If passed, the current buffer's info is updated from that filename. Useful when you have a system buffer backing a diskfile, but the name of the buffer is not the same as the diskfile.
  • _STATE_BUSY_: new built-in constant, returned by QueryEditState().

Windows TSE 4.47  -  21 Sep 2022


Release notes:

  • Updated copying to the Windows clipboard, to make it compatible with VirtualBox guests.

Linux TSE 4.46  -  17 Sep 2022


Release notes: See the Windows version.

Windows TSE 4.46  -  17 Sep 2022


Release notes:

  • cmpfiles macro updated: now uses built-in CompareLines() function, so files to check are no longer limited by 255 character lines.
  • where macro: in certain cases, the "~\..." name is passed externally, when it should be using the full-path. Fixed.
  • filemanager (f) macro: ExpandTilde() needed to be used when called with command line parameters.
  • random([lo [, hi]]) now accepts > 16 bit integers. Bug fixed if lo and hi are non-zero and equal.
  • compile macro updated to work when the -i switch is in operation.
  • Editor updated to better handle tseload.dat and tsesynhi.dat when the -i switch is in operation.

Windows TSE 4.45  -  11 July 2022


Release notes:

  • Grep updated, to better handle long filenames.
  • Font handling updated when using non OEM fonts.

Windows TSE 4.44  -  18 Jun 2022


Release notes:

  • Fix problem involving SetFont(...), that appears to only occur on asian-language systems. The problem kept the Fixedsys font from being selected via SetFont("Fixedsys", 9, 0).
  • Semware fixed the ugly way TSE displayed the Unifont font, with too small characters with too much horizontal and vertical distance between them.

Linux TSE 4.43  -  7 Jun 2022


This is Linux TSE as distributed by Semware on 7 Jun 2022.

Release notes:

  • Fixed menu alignment problem.
  • Updated the macro syntax highlighting keywords.
  • Updated the BigIntSum tool.
  • Fixed Search&Do's Count option again.
  • If file-to-compile contains "&" and ";", force quoting it.
  • "Where" tool: Add zip tagged files. Requires a zip.exe to be in the path.

Windows TSE 4.43  -  23 May 2022


Release notes:

  • Fixed menu alignment problem.
  • Updated the macro syntax highlighting keywords.
  • Updated the BigIntSum tool.
  • Fixed Search&Do's Count option again.
  • If file-to-compile contains "&" and ";", force quoting it.
  • "Where" tool: Add zip tagged files. Requires a zip.exe to be in the path.

Linux TSE 4.42  -  8 Jan 2022


Release notes:

  • ";" added back to keywords2 in sal.syn.
  • Removed eula.txt from install.zip
  • Updated license in the help.
  • Changed the internal version number.

Windows TSE 4.42  -  6 Jan 2022


Release notes:

  • ";" added back to keywords2 in sal.syn.
  • Removed eula.txt from install.zip
  • Updated license in the help.
  • Changed the internal version number.

It installs both the GUI and Console version of the editor.

Its license gives broad permissions for use and distribution, and makes extreme disclaimers of warranty and liability.

TSE's built-in Help system is almost completely that of TSE Pro 4.4 (2005).

There have been lots of fixes and new features since then, which are listed in a read.me file.

Windows TSE 4.41.46  -  24 Dec 2021


Shortened release notes:

  • New license agreement.
  • Fixed error opening a file from File Explorer.
  • Fixed a bug in the compiler.
  • Added another dark theme.
  • Corrected a spelling error.
  • Fixed browse mode for EditFile("-y *").
  • Fixed _ON_ABANDON_EDITOR_ not being called by the GUI's close button.
  • Updated the BigIntSum tool and the fState extension.
  • Reverted sal.syn to a previous version. (Syntax highlighting of macros.)
  • Fixed bug in syncfg2. (Helper tool for menu that modifies syntax highlighting.)

These webpages are created and maintained with The SemWare Editor Professional